Advanced Drone Operations Toolkit: Accelerating the Drone Revolution: WEF

Forums Advanced Drone Operations Toolkit: Accelerating the Drone Revolution: WEF

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        #Announcement(IoTStack) #Report [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]
        #Organizer : World Economic Forum (WEF) #StartDateTime : 20 Dec 2018

        Andhra Pradesh will be the first state in India to pilot the newly launched Advanced Drone Operators Toolkit – a user-manual for governments wanting to scale drone delivery “Safe, clean, inclusive and scaled drone use has become the goal of many nations,” said Harrison Wolf, report author and project lead at the Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “Now, governments can learn from the real-world success of world leading drone delivery projects in Africa and Europe to develop their own national oversight. Through comparative analysis of shared lessons, learned by governments and private players, this toolkit means governments don’t have to start from scratch and can begin societally important, socially responsible operations. We are really looking forward to the initializing of the pilot project in India.” Transporting vital goods through the air has been a staple of international commerce for decades, but a revolution is taking place at low altitudes, on demand, for last-mile connectivity. Rural health clinics in Rwanda, bolstered by performance-based regulations, are receiving vital medical deliveries by drone and doing so in a way that is saving lives and reducing waste system-wide. Switzerland
        leads the world in urban deliveries of goods by drone. You cannot tie safety to your way of doing
        things. You cannot argue that it is the only way
        of achieving safety. For us, it went beyond work
        with Solar Impulse. It became emotional. We
        had to build trust with the Solar Impulse guys
        and they learned to trust us not to just say
        ‘no’. We had the power to approve or decline a
        mission. This was someone’s life goal we had in
        our hands. That is an important responsibility.
        Lorenzo Murzilli, Switzerland

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