An introduction to Trust Architectures for connected devices: Ockam

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        #Announcement(IoTStack) #Product [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]
        #Organizer : Ockam

        Ockam enables a Trust Architecture
        The Ockam SDK allows a developer to build a Trust Architecture into applications and embedded software. When a developer adds the Ockam SDK to the firmware in connected devices, those devices become clients to the Ockam Network, receive a unique Decentralized Identity (did:ockam), can share data as a signed verifiable claim with other devices, and can verify data that is received from other devices and entities registered with the Network. Ockam DID is the underpinning of a Trust Architecture implementation in connected devices because it makes the identity and attestation of a device universally resolvable by any other device. With Ockam DID in place, all services in an application can determine the trustworthiness of data from other connected devices.

        Just as application developers assume service-oriented design in their web apps, they now need to adopt Trust Architecture principles when building application stacks with connected devices. Only then can billions of connected devices safely scale to serve the applications that rely upon their data. This is how autonomous systems in the future will be able to arrive at well-reasoned determinations of data trustworthiness in their ecosystems.

        For insight into how Ockam enables Trust Architectures in autonomous distributed systems check out Mrinal’s blog post on autonomous systems.

        Ockam will share lots more about the importance of implementing Trust Architectures over the upcoming months.

        Read More..

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