Sports IoT: how athletes are integrating IoT

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        #News(IoTStack) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        [ Editor Note: use /list command in Telegram to get the bot to list Startups in sports in our directory.Here is the small list of 4 entries  📋
        683: Specular (
        684: str8bat (
        1013: StanceBeam (
        1178: Spektacom Technology ( ]

        In 2017, the estimated market in IoT was valued at $235B. It is predicted to more than double in 2021 to an estimated $520B. Based on this upward trend, you can be assured that team owners (and leagues) are going to be a part of this growth. It’s clear to see how leagues and stadiums would incorporate IoT to boost fan experience with smart building technology, but one interesting area is how coaches and various athletes can use IoT in their development.

        Why athletes and coaches use IoT

        With every athlete and coach, some of the highest priorities are player development and player health. Professional teams invest millions of dollars to their athletes, wherein both are hoping to reach their full potential while also preventing any serious injuries to them.

        Using IoT in player development can address certain areas that an athlete needs to improve on. With sensors capturing what the athlete is doing, it can gather metrics and performance efficiency so that athletes and coaches can analyze key areas to improve on. This also applies toward the health of a player as sensors can analyze which parts of the muscles are being overworked or any potential weakness in the body.

        There are many sports that IoT can fit in and help coaches and athletes achieve this efficiency, but each sport will need its own tailored technology

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