Massive IoT with JT IoT Solutions

Forums Startups Announcements (Startup) Massive IoT with JT IoT Solutions

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        #Announcement(Startup) #Company [ via IoTGroup ]
        #Organizer : JT IoT Solutions



        Massive IoT deployment refers to a section of IoT where a high volume of IoT devices are deployed (hence the name) but none of these devices is very powerful on its own. IoT devices in a massive IoT system are usually simple, use a small amount of power, and don’t need to be connected to the internet around the clock. Massive IoT systems are generally used for tracking and monitoring purposes. These networks might be made up of devices like meters, sensors, and trackers.

        These devices usually only have one or two functions and are mainly used to gather data. Since all they typically need to do is gather and transfer data, they only connect to the internet periodically. How to choose the right connectivity for your IoT needs While each of these connectivity solutions is capable of supporting a massive IoT project, there are some differences between the two that need to be kept in mind. The first is complexity. NB-IoT is much, much simpler than Cat-M1, and while each only sends small amounts of data at a time, NB-IoT sends substantially smaller data packets. The second is your technology needs. Because Cat-M1 is able to send higher volumes of data, it’s typically a more costly service than NB-IoT. So Cat-M1 is generally only recommended if your IoT project needs its wider capabilities. Cat-M1 networks also work better with mobile IoT devices, while NB-IoT is better suited to stationary devices. So, as a quick list, devices like meters and sensors will perform better on an NB-IoT network, while vehicles, trackers, and wearable devices are better suited to Cat-M1 networks. Learn more by checking out our quick guide to connectivity here.

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