A note to the amazing maker community trying to put together a DIY Mechanical Ventilator.

Forums Startups News (Startup) A note to the amazing maker community trying to put together a DIY Mechanical Ventilator.

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        #News(Startup) [ via IoTGroup ]

        A note to the amazing maker community trying to put together a DIY Mechanic
        Roshan Mohan

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        Generally, manual ventilation (using an Ambu bag/Bag Valve and Mask) is done as a last resort and is done until the patient can be provided with actual ventilator support.
        A Bag Valve Mask(BVM) as the name suggests is supposed to be used with a mask to resuscitate critically ill patients who cannot breathe on their own due to several underlying causes, in case of COVID 19, it has been found to be ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome).
        As mentioned, in low resource settings during unavailability of a ventilator, it is a widely observed practice to manually compress a BVM while the patient is intubated (an endotracheal tube is inserted into the airway).
        Any mechanical ventilator tries to do the reverse; it applies a positive pressure to inflate the lung.
        One strategy used to prevent the patient from breathing against the ventilator is to paralyse the patient or heavily sedate him, but to keep a patient in paralysis we need good intensive care, respiratory therapists and ancillary support, this is a pretty big ask during an outbreak.
        Generally, ventilators are set to operate by a patient trigger for pneumonia and ARDS ie, whenever the ventilator senses the patients’ effort to breath, it initiates a breath cycle.
        The key parameters that a physician looks for are Respiratory Rate (RR) ie, the number of breaths delivered per minute, the Tidal Volume (TV- the volume of air pushed into the lung per breath) and the ratio of the length of time for Inhalations to Exhalations (I E Ratio)
        Any mechanical ventilator should have the ability to support a range of 10 to 30 breaths per minute, rising in increments of two, with the settings adjustable by the physician.
        Any sort of positive pressure ventilation on a patient induces a certain amount of injury to the lung.
        Weaning patients off ventilators usually require highly experienced respiratory therapists

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.02976805238 Build 26 Aug 2019

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