How enterprises across key industries can capitalise on IoT-led transformation

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        #News(IoTStack) [ via IoTGroup ]

        However some enterprises are still questioning how IoT can be used to achieve real business outcomes.The focus has shifted from interpreting what IoT means for their organisation towards how it can actually become a key driver for success says Sukamal Banerjee corporate vice president industry software division and IoT works at HCL Technologies.

        To begin with many businesses were adopting IoT purely to see what kind of difference it could make.The answer is for organisations to look at IoT from a proof of value perspective.With that in mind organisations should look at all the opportunities available for implementing IoT solutions and determine the real value those possibilities provide.

        This will help to speed up IoT deployments and ensure IoT will drive real business value and success.We can explore how this works in practice by analysing how key industries could use the value-led approach to achieve better business outcomes.Manufacturing is another industry with solid IoT use cases.Combined with a smart telemetry-enabled IoT platform it could be made possible for pharmaceutical companies to develop an integrated patient hub that could be up and running within days which would revolutionise patient outcomes while ensuring social distancing was adhered to.By working closely with organisations service providers must ensure all business needs will be met and real success can be achieved.

        As well as this businesses must make sure their technology partner offers an end-to-end integrated solution that will outline and manage their IoT-led transformation in detail.For any IoT innovations to work service providers must work with organisations to ensure they have the right architecture in place.They need an infrastructure that can harness all the data and use it to achieve business goals otherwise there’s no point installing IoT technology.This new value-led perspective will enable enterprises to take full advantage of all the benefits IoT has to offer.Instead

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