Identifying the top 6 IoT platform microservice categories for small and medium enterprise deployments

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        Last week, I received an email from Checkfluid, an Ontario, Canada-based enterprise that builds oil quality sensors and oil sampling valves for equipment condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. Like all executives who contact us with good Internet of Things (IoT) questions, Checkfluid’s President Mike Hall was asking my opinion of best-in-class IoT platforms to power his company’s journey into IoT. “As we start the product development process, it is important to make the best IoT platform choice possible as this decision could be with us for a long time,” stated Hall. As we know, identifying a high quality, scalable, easy-to-use IoT platform makes a huge difference in an enterprise’s IoT deployment.

        Cambridge Sound Management recently had a similar question for us. This Waltham, Massachusetts-based business designs and manufactures next generation sound masking solutions. With an established line of products for enterprise customers, Cambridge Sound recently launched an IoT product for consumer markets. Its CEO Christopher Calisi knew the value of an IoT platform to its overall IoT solution when he said, “The IoT platform you select can dictate many other decisions in the product development process.” A best-in-class platform allows Cambridge Sound to offer new services to its customers. But it was important to Calisi to have a platform that provided “reliability, security and the ability to scale”.

        The answer to Hall’s and Calisi’s questions about a best-in-class IoT platform almost invariably leads to a second, more challenging question, namely, “What individual microservices of an IoT platform are necessary to make Checkfluid’s and Cambridge Sound’s connected products successful?”

        Read more …

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