Fleet Management: How to reduce the chance of trucking accidents

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        #Discussion(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Trucking accidents can be life-altering for the victims with most victims typically being in the second vehicle rather than the truck itself.
        Fleet managers have a responsibility to ensure their teams are as safe on the roads as possible.
        With this in mind one of the easiest ways to reduce the chance of an accident is regular compulsory maintenance of every vehicle in the fleet.
        Maintenance should be the responsibility of the whole business from the operators to the drivers.
        As well as regular maintenance drivers should check the whole vehicle prior to each departure to make sure everything is in good form.

        Maintenance training should also be included in a driver’s initial induction as well as in yearly top-up training.
        Another cause of trucking accidents is the truck’s stopping distance and speed.
        Distracted or tired drivers who have been on the road for hours at a time can quickly lose sight of their speed and how much time they would need to stop in an emergency.
        To avoid tiredness resulting in accidents managers and drivers should work together to create a proper schedule where drivers have plenty of rest between journeys as well as during longer journeys.
        Trucking accident lawyers often encourage the use of anti-drowsiness technology that can detect fatigue in a driver’s face and emit alerts to keep them awake long enough to pull over for some rest to ensure the safety of other road users especially cyclists.
        Driver Facing Cameras
        Truck accident specialists like Schwartzapfel Lawyers can provide a better case when there is no argument over whether the driver was tired or distracted.
        Driver-facing cameras are a great way to keep tabs on whether drivers are eating drinking or using their phones at the wheel.
        Not only do the cameras work as a reminder to drivers no to get distracted

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