Workshop: DLT (Block Chain) V2 for IoT

This workshop has been cancelled due to some issues in the facility! Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted!

Why attend?

These workshops or master classes are well selected for IoTForum's goal of Raising the Quotient of India. In these days of rapid change, startups need to prepare for the rather than be caught with outdated technologies and old school models. Some links to Thought Leadership are illustrated in the main page of the IoTForum Workshops. We have kept descriptions of the context and courses brief to allow rapid scanning but do click through the hyperlinked portions, explore topics and blogs at IoTForIndia to get more depth and send us a query or join our Telegram Group and engage.

Checkout this video to get a bird's-eye view of the workshops.


Block chain a type of Distributed Ledger Technology and IoT are much talked about. Vinod Khosla considers it as TCP/IP type of impact. Traditional Blockchain suffers in (<25 transactions/Sec), compute needs per node (each node holds full blockchain) and costs to add blocks. IoTForum is recommend special variations for more speed and less using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) a new variation that can run on light weight devices and may deliver 1000 transactions/sec and is relatively free in adding transactions.


Bosch experimenting with Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) and IoTForum


IoTForum and Bosch


  • Learn how the IoT DLT uses cases play out
  • Learn the benefits of IoT Blockchain ecosystem
  • Explore the IoT to gateway to middleware architecture and lab set up and approach to scaling DLT in IoT
  • How to build simple IoT apps that talk with the DLT


  • Innovation and New Model leadership in Corporates
  • Founder and Entrepreneurs exploring Distributed Ledger
  • Smart City, Logistics, Supply chain and Industrial players

Your payment will be processed through TiE payment hub. You will receive a confirmation and IoTForum facilitators will be in touch subsequently to help  your participation. There are different options for Day 1 Workshop of IoTNext or both days of IoTNext. TiE and IESA members get special offers.


10.00AM Registration
DLT history, Distributed Internet and Blochchain
Internals of DLT
11.30AM Tea Break
11.45AM Variations of Blockchain
Explore IoT Blockchain
The Business cases, Exploration and Q&A
12.30PM Lunch
01.30PM Developers look into IoT Blockchain Architecture
02.45PM Tea
03.00PM Building with IoT Blockchain live coding example
04.00PM Q&A and Close. Setting up IoT Blockchain community under IoTForum


Dayananda Sagar university 2nd Floor, Block 1, Kudlu Gate, Hongasandra Village, Hosur Road, Kudlu Gate, Srinivasa Nagar, Hal Layout, Singasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068 Limited parking is available!


  • For post lunch session some IoT Device programming experience
  • Developers in post lunch session would benefit with laptop with advised environment.



IoTNext 2018 Workshop Queries