IoT-enabled Gaming is Improving Social Interactions

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        IoT-enabled Gaming is Improving Social Interactions
        Social Gaming is Here!

        Auto extracted Text……

        Gaming and the Internet were once separate dinner party guests at the opposite ends of the table, not acknowledging one another and not interacting – but those days are gone.
        Now the Internet and gaming are inseparable due to online gaming and the gaming gadgets we use being connected with the internet as part of the Internet of (gaming) Things (Io(g)T).
        These IoT devices and technologies are constantly influencing all aspects of gaming, especially when it comes to the social angle – and here’s how.
        1. Mass Gaming
        There has been a sharp rise in the number of players enjoying games that are played at one time by the masses.
        Having so many people gaming together from a plethora of locations across the globe has only been made possible through Internet-connected and IoT-enabled devices, such as wearables.
        Streamlining technology to achieve such a large number of people to play together from everywhere over the planet has only been made possible with these connected devices and the (wireless) Internet connectivity they harness.
        However, they don’t just allow everyone to play together, they make it more social by enabling communication through live conversations, messaging and chatting.
        Thus making the entire gaming experience an engaging social proposition, as well as steering away from random software generated outcomes.
        Here-again technology plays a role: Internet-connected devices enable live gaming from anywhere and new gadgets like VR headsets and smartwatches bring a new dimension to the gaming experience.
        Gaming can certainly now be classed as a social activity but sometimes it cannot.
        When you play anti-social one-player games for hours, you may need to take a break with friends or family.
        Social Gaming is Here!
        Gaming that involves Augmented Reality leads players to game in the real world and this has been partly achieved through always-connected devices like smartphones but also IoT-enabled wearables (like smartwatches)

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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