What Is Quantum Computing?

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        What Is Quantum Computing?
        What is quantum computing?
        A changing computing landscape
        Types of quantum computing
        Quantum computing industry landscape
        Quantum computing across industries
        How close are we to quantum supremacy?

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        Quantum computers, on the other hand, are supercomputers equipped with advanced processing powers.
        What is quantum computing?
        Quantum computers can process massive and complex datasets more efficiently than classical computers.
        They use the fundamentals of quantum mechanics to speed up the process of solving complex computations.
        Enter quantum computing.
        While the toughest optimization problems in these industries stump classical computers, they are well-suited for being solved on a quantum machine.
        Quantum computers differ from classical computers in that improvement for the latter mainly relies on advancement in the materials that make up transistors and microchips.
        Quantum computers do not use transistors (or classical bits).
        The most advanced quantum computing chips available today, under development by Berkeley-based startup Rigetti Computing, can make use of up to 19 qubits, although the company is in the process of creating a 128 qubit chip by late 2019.
        Types of quantum computing
        There are three primary types of quantum computing.
        Quantum computers can help compute the vast number of possible protein folding sequences for making more effective medications.
        Quantum AI could enable machine learning that is faster than that of classical computers.
        Quantum computing industry landscape
        The company’s announcement made it clear that it will take time before commercial quantum computers can beat today’s classical machines:
        Quantum computing across industries
        From healthcare to agriculture, here are several sectors that would benefit from quantum computing’s potential.
        Specifically, the areas of quantum computing that show the most promise for financial services are in solving complex optimization problems such as portfolio risk optimization and fraud detection

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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