Ayurveda to Artificial Intelligence: Reassessing the Costs of Unknowability

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Ayurveda to Artificial Intelligence:
        Reassessing the Costs of Unknowability
        Tarun Khanna
        Chinese Modernity for an Africa that Time…

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        ML is nothing more than the use of computing power to infer patterns from voluminous data, otherwise too difficult to discern by introspection.
        The catch with ML is that it’s often not clear how it arrives at the patterns that are thus identified.
        Such a system makes it hard to rely on AI-driven black-box correlations that try to nudge the legal process one way or another without understanding, and therefore being able to articulate, the underlying reasoning.

        नीम हक़ीम ख़तरा-ए-जान
        A review in 2011 of a decade of drug approvals reported in the respected journal Science suggested that less than a fourth of drugs that worked in new ways emanated from a deep understanding of the underlying disease mechanism.

        In another avatar though, as an entrepreneur, I’m more preoccupied with finding bits of knowhow that can help me advance whatever venture I’m working on at the moment, without mulling over the issue of exactly ‘why it works.’ So, it prompts me to ask, how important is it to fully understand something before one should actively use that information?
        Modern medicine is full of ‘remedies’ that work without our knowing why.
        We use these readily, pending a better understanding at some future date.
        A review in 2011 of a decade of drug approvals reported in the respected journal Science suggested that less than a fourth of drugs that worked in new ways emanated from a deep understanding of the underlying disease mechanism.
        Somehow this is also connected to the über-controller organ, the liver, elegantly storing sugar for immediate release and apportioning release of sugar and insulin together, precisely matched to meet metabolic needs while balancing its level in the blood.
        To do more than sense-and-respond, we need to understand this elaborate symphony of organs much more than we currently do.
        But we can’t afford to stop improving our existing imperfect treatment – through more accurate and convenient devices for example – pending this fuller understanding.
        Beware of the informally (by today’s standards anyway) trained traditional remedies doctor dispensing remedies from under a ‘neem’ tree.
        Neither really understands why nature’s bounty works quite yet.
        ML is used to find patterns

        Read More..
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