Clean-Up in Aisle 7

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        #News(Security) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Clean-Up in Aisle 7
        Protecting Casinos from Heists…The Cyber Kind
        Closing the door to Cyber vulnerabilities at…
        Cyber Attacks in smart buildings…The…

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        If anything, we’ve become accustomed to a flat network where traffic goes all over the place creating violations and constant alerts.
        Traditional segmentation
        Asides from reducing network congestion, segmentation has the added advantage of improving security as the attack surface can be smaller and breaches if they occur can be readily contained, limiting the damage and any further potential movement.
        Rudimentary ways to segment networks can be performed by usage such as web servers in one area, and database servers in another.
        Managing the segments and having policies on what can move from one segment to another is important for the sake of control and keeping things tidy at a corporate network.
        Our take on micro-segmentation
        Today, one has the assumption that the traditional firewall has been breached and the bad guys are already inside a major hospital, financial institution, or government network.
        If segmenting a network is good, micro-segmentation must be better since during a breach an attacker can quickly be isolated within the smaller zone limiting the access to information in different areas.
        Managing such a network, however, can get increasingly complicated as segments become increasingly granular.
        Micro-segmentation divides networks down to the workload level and then defines specific security controls and policies for these specific segments and workloads.
        It’s a more granular and logical approach than physical segmentation via physical firewalls making it easier for network and security administrators.
        With micro-segmentation, communications can be monitored and controlled and device traffic and requests will stay in their respective “warehouse aisle.” If there is any deviation from the desired protocol, or some random communication that should not be occurring, remedial action should be immediately taken and you just need to clean up one aisle and not close the entire warehouse

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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