How is Voice User Interface Evolving into the Next User Experience

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        #News(IoTStack) [ via IoTGroup ]


        Speech is the next UX
        Voice user interface: the next-gen of UX
        Designing a Voice User Interface
        The basic voice UX flow
        Can we expect a ‘humane’ VUI?

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        Ultimately vocal computing is replacing the traditional graphical user interface.” -Shawn DuBravac
        Interface design enables humans to experience and interact with technology.
        Interestingly, Voice User Interface (VUI), is the ability to speak to devices and its capability, in turn, to understand and act upon users’ commands.
        Voice user interface: the next-gen of UX
        The rise of voice can be mainly credited to the evolution of AI and cloud computing capabilities.
        With machine learning and natural language processing, technology now has the ability to interpret human speech more accurately and in real-time, while also taking note of individual users’ speech tendencies.
        With an approach that is more convenient and human-like, VUI is becoming the next generation of human-computer interaction.
        From asking Siri to book your appointment with the doc next Monday to asking Alexa to play your favourite show on Amazon Prime; the act of using voice commands has become increasingly natural for users.
        Designing a Voice User Interface
        Voice represents the new pinnacle of intuitive interfaces that democratize the use of technology.
        For web and application designers, voice interaction, perhaps, is the biggest UX challenge since the dawn of the touchscreen age.
        Every voice recognition platform has a unique set of technological constraints.
        It is essential that you embrace these constraints when architecting a voice interaction UX.
        The basic voice UX flow
        UX was always designed to make interactions as similar to the real world as can be and voice has the potential to make that a reality.
        UX designers must make sure they’re asking the right questions to elicit the appropriate verbal responses from users.
        In this age of expected instant gratification, it’s hard to imagine an average user patiently listening to their AI assistant as it narrates a laundry list of all continental restaurants one by one.
        We want our voice interactions to be as immediate as human alternatives

        Read More..
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