How the Construction Industry Works Smarter and Safer with IoT

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Worker shortages, when combined with an industry that is experiencing continued growth, have resulted in many construction sites operating with skeleton crews.
        Through the use of IoT-enabled collaboration tools, construction workers have the ability to work smarter than ever before, reducing the number of people needed for complex projects and helping lower labor costs.
        Capturing data on the job site and uploading it to an IoT platform in real time also allows stakeholders to receive up-to-the-minute progress reports and access video of the construction site, giving them the ability to gauge the status of a project and make adjustments, as necessary, to keep the project on track.
        According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), one in five worker deaths in the United States were in the construction industry in 2017.
        While construction sites take extreme care to maintain the highest level of safety practices possible, including continuous safety training and strict safety protocols followed by everyone on the job site, IoT offers ways to potentially enhance safety efforts.
        To ensure that construction workers receive the support they need to stay healthy and avoid these types of injuries, StrongArm Technologies has designed the FUSE Platform, which uses wearable sensors to analyze a worker’s risk of developing a musculoskeletal injury.
        Data is sent from the sensors to the IoT platform to determine a given worker’s safety score, which is an ergonomic risk metric.
        In a fully integrated construction project, where every worker is equipped with wearable IoT devices such as SolePower and the FUSE Platform, data could significantly increase the overall safety of everyone on the job site, reduce emergency response times, and provide greater accountability among the workforce.
        As the construction industry continues its upward growth, industrial IoT solutions will become more integral in meeting the productivity and safety challenges at construction sites.

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.02976805238 Build 26 Aug 2019

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