IoT and AI forge ahead in technology

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        #Discussion(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Sensors and smart devices are gathering data in copious amounts.The data is building our profiles through voice-operated devices in our homes and on our phones.

        This same experience is being copied and mimicked throughout our lives on Facebook Google and many other data-gathering platforms.Whether you gather this data through hardwired switches or through sensors in our vehicles or temperatures in our homes.The gathering of the data can be done in numerous ways but the gathering and moving to the cloud is only the first piece of the puzzle The next piece is processing your data.

        The process of data gathering has become much easier through the internet of things.If you look at many of the machine controls they have this strategy typically implemented where they can process safety and important data locally and pace the non-important information at times when the communication system is off-peak.The way we actually gather the information has become simpler with integrated sensors and measuring devices.Processing is where we actually do something with the data even if that something is nothing more than moving it from one pile to another.It may need to be added to the previous data or moved onto other systems.

        Think about in your home your smart thermostat is constantly and directly monitoring data you may have a camera which only gathers data when the sensor actuates from motion so it is remotely triggered and then we have things like your phone or other voice actuated device that requires you to actuate it in order for it to start acquiring data.In your home the voice actuated devices start to compile and determine if the command requires addition to files like adding to your shopping list or if it needs to go and retrieve data.Integration is part of the next phase this is where you are comparing against parameters from existing data or external systems.The above picture from NIST represents a hardwired version of analysis however in true artificial

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