Major challenges for 5G

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        #News(IoTStack) [ via IoTForIndiaGroup ]

        Powerful technologies like 5G is a reality comes with some challenges along the way. Here are five that will likely play a prominent role in the dawn of 5G:
        1. Frequency bands : Unlike 4G LTE that already operates on established frequency bands below 6GHz, 5G requires frequencies up to 300GHz.
        2. Deployment and coverage: Though 5G offers a significant increase in speed and bandwidth, its more limited range will require further infrastructure.
        3. Costs to build and buy : Building a network is expensive – carriers will raise the money to do it by increasing customer revenue
        4. Device support : 5G-enabled smartphones and their availability will hinge on how expensive they are for manufacturers to make.
        5. Security and privacy: Like any data-driven technology, 5G rollout will have to contend with both standard and sophisticated cybersecurity threats.

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