Reimagining the paper trail for the digital age

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        #News(Startup) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Reimagining the paper trail for the digital age

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        Its product, Khemeia, has smart algorithms to recognize patterns and identify content elements in documents.
        The S1000D standard embedded in the software can automatically determine which content element goes under which tag in the XML hierarchy or which section of the document goes into what schema.
        Stelae came into US defence contractor Raytheon’s radar at an S1000D user conference in the US last year.
        Eagle’s programme manager Jarom Walcott needed an elegant, automated solution to convert documents into S1000D instead of the ‘brute force’ methods that BPO-type companies used by throwing bodies at the onerous and time-consuming task.
        The hardest part was getting his legal team to come up with a new type of agreement because this is the first time Raytheon will be reselling a product from another company as part of its ensemble.
        But before any of these can come into play, documents need to be available in a standard, structured form.
        After doing an MBA in the UK and working with telecom companies, Schwarz spotted the opportunity in digitizing and structuring documents while working for a content management vendor in Paris.
        “AI technologies for predictive maintenance are not working because there’s the underlying problem of 80% of data being in documents,” says Schwarz.
        “If you cannot extract the data and put it into a database, there’s nothing to analyze.” That’s why a company like Raytheon needs Stelae at a more basic level of digital transformation before anything else can happen.
        The S1000D standard into which Stelae is structuring Raytheon documents is one of many that the startup works with.
        Even within Raytheon, there are other document standards apart from S1000D.
        In each case, the Stelae product recognizes patterns in documents and structures them.
        Working with Raytheon and having its product shipped with Raytheon products to provide documentation support to the US company’s customers opens new doors for Stelae which has so far been more active in Europe

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