Sigtuple IITD publish paper in IEEE Medical Imaging

Forums Startups Announcements (Startup) Sigtuple IITD publish paper in IEEE Medical Imaging

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        #Announcement(Startup) #Celebration [ via IoTGroup ]
        #Organizer : IITD /Sigtuple

        Here is a brilliant example of a successful industry-academia collaboration. SigTuple , an Indian AI start-up, gave us a problem one year back – AI-based medical diagnostics systems do not generalize across different cameras. An AI system developed using data captured with one camera, doesn't work when used on data from another camera.

        We (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) took it up, cast it as an unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) problem and came up with a new technique for UDA that is completely devoid of the need for images from target cameras. We surpassed the existing state of the art and got it accepted in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE-TMI). The solution will be soon used in the product too.

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