Smart Dust: How This AI Chip is Ready for Multi-Industry Disruption

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        #News(IoTStack) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Smart Dust: How This AI Chip is Ready for Multi-Industry Disruption

        What is Smart Dust?
        What are the potential uses of Smart Dust?
        Bottom Line

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        EPIC Semiconductors is a pioneer in artificial intelligence, and its flagship product, Smart Dust, is set to redefine how we integrate artificial intelligence in the real world.
        What is Smart Dust?
        Smart Dust is a microscopic AI sensor chip that exhibits energy harvesting capabilities and non-magnetic bi-directional communication abilities.
        Smart Dust can sense:
        Since Smart Dust operates battery-free, the chips don’t require charging and are always activated.
        Smart Dust AI chips are powered by a pre-quantum superposition processor, allowing multiple chips to work cohesively in a collision-free network.
        What are the potential uses of Smart Dust?
        The practical applications for Smart Dust are countless, ranging from personal to industrial, medical, and automobile industries.
        Some potential use cases of Smart Dust are listed below.
        3D Gesture sensing for smart devices and appliances: Smart Dust AI chips can be integrated with smart devices and appliances to offer gesture controls.
        Since Smart Dust chips come with built-in energy harvesting capabilities and have wireless signal transmission abilities, they do not require an additional power source and can facilitate touch-free operation.
        By embedding products with Smart Dust, it is possible to track their location data such as point of origin or transit details, external factors such as physical or environmental forces.
        Smart homes: The built-in artificial intelligence opens multiple residential uses for Smart Dust, such as smart appliances, smart floors, monitoring food, and even creating intuitive elderly care facilities at home.
        Smart Dust is compatible with voice recognition systems.
        Interactive packaging: Manufacturers and retailers can use Smart Dust for interactive packaging.
        Smart sensing in industrial processes: Smart Dust can redefine risk monitoring and prevention in multiple industrie

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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