Technology 2020: all at the edge

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Technology 2020: all at the edge
        Published By
        Gopichand Katragadda

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        Edge, here, refers to the ability to provide services closest to the source of data including mobile phones, ground cameras, aerial cameras, and industrial sensors.
        5G promises to enable low-latency device-to-device intelligent real-time collaboration at the edge.
        Technologies, at the edge, providing faster, cheaper, and better services along with newer ways of extending human life and the comfort of living are to be expected in 2020.
        Now, here are three Edge AI technologies we would like to see in 2020:
        Edge AI-Based Augmented Reality for Enhanced Data Visualization in Healthcare: Three-dimensional (3D) visualization and the ability to work interactively with image data are a current reality.
        Edge-AI Based Immersive Entertainment with Intelligent and Interactive Artificial Cast: Microsoft Comic Chat, later known as Microsoft Chat, was released in 1996.
        Edge-AI Based and Chaos-Based Techniques to Predict Natural Disasters and Other Natural Patterns: Natural disasters have precursors and have certain patterns which need massive computing resources to monitor, track and create warnings.
        And, here are two Edge AI technologies that we at Myelin will deliver in 2020:
        Edge-AI for OTT Entertainment: Global OTT video on demand revenues are $50B in 2019 and growing.
        Technologies such as video super-resolution at the edge will accelerate the penetration of video streaming while enhancing the viewer experience.
        Humans, in my viewpoint, have a complex analog intelligence coded into the connectivity and the chemical interaction of the synapses of our neural networks.
        However, these approaches, while based on evolutionary principles, rely on very low understanding of the human digital intelligence.
        On top of human analog and digital intelligence is the microbiome-based intelligence derived from the hosts of bacterial life humans sponsor on their selves

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.02976805238 Build 26 Aug 2019

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