The Top 5 Issues Faced by Futurists

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        #Discussion(General) [ via IoTGroup ]

        The Top 5 Issues Faced by Futurists

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        It affects the way we communicate, and how we travel, but it also determines how we learn, how we bank, and the way we run our businesses.
        Futurist speakers think about those changes and try to understand how they’ll affect us.
        Here are the top five issues faced by futurists and the areas to which they’re paying a lot of attention.
        But Artificial Intelligence is coming, and some people are talking about what it means, what it will do?
        What do we need to do to prevent ourselves from being locked out of the airlock door by future Hals?
        As one of the founders of Siri, he’s also one of the people who has helped to create that future.
        Neil Jacobstein chairs the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Track at Singularity University and talks about AI and robotics.
        Both are grappling with a future world not dominated by human intelligence.
        Phill Nosworthy is the founder and managing director of Switch L+D, a bespoke learning and development company that helps teams level up.
        Tan Le is the founder and CEO of EMOTIV, a “neuroinformatics company” that researches the human brain and makes brain-based wearables.
        While Phill Nosworthy focuses on how people should use their brain, Tan Le looks at ways to make more use of it.
        As that data continues to build, companies will need to get better at safeguarding it.
        And we all need to get better at understanding it.
        He’s written about the power of algorithms and how data is transforming industries.
        The way we bank and move money has already changed.
        Christer Holloman is the CEO and co-founder of finance platform Divido and has worked with companies including Visa and BMW.
        His talks on the future of finance are filled with real examples and case studies

        Read More..
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