Tracking Sensibly

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        #News(Startup) [ via IoTGroup ]

        Ever bought ice-creams on a hot day from push-carts at say, Cubbon park, India Gate, or Juhu Chowpatty?
        Did you know your favourite ice-cream brand shells out up to Rs 50,000 on each of these trikes.
        And according to the founder of Sensiwise, 50% of ice cream sales in North India come from push carts.
        But how does a brand know that the product is reaching its consumer in top shape, as sent out by the ice-cream manufacturer?
        Brands provide the carts to stockists who sell ice-cream.
        Ice-creams, exotic fruits and vegetables, and some medicines are products that require specialised environments while going through a supply chain.
        I want to ensure that the temperature in which these products move is controlled,” says Jetli.
        And he’s doing that with a device that monitors the product’s environment, and also tracks the movement of the asset carrying the product.
        It’s what helps the device connect to the internet and transmit data,” he explains.
        Hence, with the help of an application and analytics layer built into the hardware, clients (the ice-cream manufacturers) can track insights.
        Second, we can also understand when, where, and how much people are spending,” Jetli says.
        Crucially, with all the spending data, all the stockist data, and the rider’s performance, the company knows the asset’s efficacy.
        In the case of the push-carts, if the company has five additional trikes, it knows which stockist to give the trikes to.
        “To keep track of such behaviours, you need eyes and ears on the ground,” says Jetli.
        Since the brand can’t physically track every freezer, Sensiwise gives the brands visibility of the assets, and also lets them know if their service level agreements are being met.
        The next step for Sensiwise is to allow clients to remotely control their assets.
        Connecting the IoT device to even a low-key device could allow the client to control the asset.

        Read More..
        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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