What It Looks Like When the World Stands Still

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        #News(General) [ via IoTGroup ]


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        With OPEC++ behind us, let’s take a moment to marvel at just how completely our lives have come to a screeching halt.

        Cities have become noticeably quieter with far fewer cars out on the roads. Restrictions came later to London than many other European towns, and traffic flows only started to wane in the second half of March. The impact on congestion shows, but it’s been significantly less than in Milan in northern Italy, for instance. Last year drivers in London, like their counterparts in Italy, could expect a peak-time journey to take about 75% longer than the same trip on empty roads — an additional 45 minutes on a one-hour trip. Now that same “one-hour drive” in London takes around one hour and 10 minutes.
        Beijing and other Chinese cities provide the clearest data on how a place recovers from lockdown imposed to fight the Covid-19 virus. The chart below shows that journey times have risen slowly over recent weeks, as more and more traffic returns to the city’s roads. By last week, it looks as though gridlock had returned to Beijing, with journeys taking just as long as they did on average last year.

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        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0399999999 Build 04 April 2020

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