WhyID: Protecting Our Identity in the Digital Age

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        WhyID: Protecting Our Identity in the Digital Age
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        We have worked directly with vulnerable populations, and witnessed the impact that ill-considered, badly designed, and poorly implemented digital identity programmes can have on human lives.
        There is a generalised assumption that certain kinds of digital identity programmes1 empower users, especially those in marginalised populations, by giving them legal identification and access to public services.


        To the leaders of International Development Banks, the United Nations, International Aid Organisations, Funding Agencies, and National Governments:

        We are a group of civil society organisations, technologists, and experts who work on digital identity developments across the world. We have worked directly with vulnerable populations, and witnessed the impact that ill-considered, badly designed, and poorly implemented digital identity programmes can have on human lives.

        A Basic Question: Why ID?

        There is a generalised assumption that certain kinds of digital identity programmes1 empower users, especially those in marginalised populations, by giving them legal identification and access to public services. Digital identity programmes can provide some of the same benefits to users as conventional identity and can reap the benefits of scalability of technology. However, the scalability of digital identity programmes also makes their harms scalable. It is far from being proven that most digital identity programmes have brought additional benefits to users, without placing them at risk.


        Digital identity programmes can provide some of the same benefits to users as conventional identity and can reap the benefits of scalability of technology.
        It is far from being proven that most digital identity programmes have brought additional benefits to users, without placing them at risk.
        On the other hand, the harms that are suffered by individuals through badly designed and implemented digital identity programmes are real and in many cases, irreparable.
        If many developed countries have questioned and opposed similar digital identity programmes, why are they being routinely deployed in the developing world?
        Some basic questions on the objectives, need, and benefits of these digital identity programmes must be answered before pursuing the what, the how, the when, and the who of digital identity.
        1 This letter addresses digital identity programmes backed, developed, and deployed by public sector international, regional, and national institutions and organisations.
        Most digital identity programmes follow a centralised and ubiquitous model, without delivering incremental benefits to users.
        It is distressing to see international institutions and organisations in charge of aid programmes requiring registration to these types of digital identity frameworks.
        Human rights must form the centre of all considerations related to digital identity programmes

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        AutoTextExtraction by Working BoT using SmartNews 1.0299999999 Build 26 Aug 2019

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